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Privacy policy

§1 [Definitions]

The following terms, which are capitalized in the Privacy Policy, acquire the following meanings: ⦁ Administrator - means the joint administrators of the Site and personal data: Woo sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Wrocław (50-357) at ul. Grunwaldzka 67 and Bartosz Jędrasiak conducting business activity under the name "WOO TO GO Jędrasiak Bartosz" with its registered office in Wrocław (50-357) at ul. Grunwaldzka 67, who are responsible for running the Site, determining and performing the purposes of personal data processing and storing the Administrator's Cookies on the Device. ⦁ Cookies - IT data, taking the form of small text files, stored and maintained on a Device, usually bearing in its content the name of the source (including a website), the period of storage on the Device and a unique number. ⦁ Administrator cookies - are Cookies placed on the Device by the Administrator, via the Site. ⦁ External cookies - are Cookies placed by third parties whose services are used by the Administrator, via the Site, to enable the Administrator to use the services of these third parties. ⦁ Contact form - the functionality of the Site that enables the User to send content to the Administrator. ⦁ Newsletter - bulk correspondence sent by the Administrator under the terms of the Privacy Policy. ⦁ Privacy Policy - stands for this privacy policy. ⦁ RODO - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) of 27.04.2016. ⦁ Website - means the website under the address "woothai.co.uk". ⦁ User - means the entity using the Site. ⦁ Device - means the electronic device through which the User accesses the Site.

§2 [Use of Cookies]

⦁ The Administrator does not collect data by automated means, with the exception of data contained in cookies. ⦁ The Administrator uses the following cookies: ⦁ Session cookies, which are stored on the User's Device and remain there until the session of the respective browser ends. The stored information is then permanently deleted from the Device's memory. ⦁ Persistent cookies: these are stored on the User's Device and remain there until deleted. They are not deleted from the User's Device when the browser session ends or the Device is switched off. ⦁ The Administrator may use Administrator Cookies for: ⦁ analyse the viewing of the Website, ⦁ create anonymous statistics on how Users use the Website, ⦁ optimise the Website on the User's Device. ⦁ The Administrator may use External Cookies for: ⦁ collect general and anonymous statistical data via analytical tools as part of the Google Analytics functionality (the controller of these Cookies is Google Inc. based in Mountain View, California, United States), ⦁ collect statistical data related to the User's activity on the Site, in order to display personalised advertisements of the Site within the framework of the User's use of the "Facebook" service (the controller of these Cookies is Facebook Inc. based in Menlo Park, California, United States). ⦁ Administrator Cookies are placed on the Device by the Administrator, while External Cookies are placed on the Device: ⦁ Google Inc. based in Mountain View, California, United States. The privacy policy of this Administrator is available at the following link: https://policies.google.com/privacy ⦁ Facebook Inc. based in Menlo Park, California, United States, The privacy policy of this Administrator is available at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php ⦁ In the event that the cookies contain personal data - the entities listed in paragraph 5 above - are the controllers of the personal data (within the meaning of the DPA) contained in the External Cookies.

§3 [Changes and disabling the use of cookies by the User].

⦁ Usually, the software used on the Device to browse the Website allows Cookies to be stored on the Device by default. ⦁ You may change your Cookie settings at any time by restricting or disabling access to Cookies on your Device. If you use this option, the use of the Website will be possible. ⦁ The User has the possibility to determine the rules (including limiting or disabling) of access of Cookies to the Device through the settings of his/her Internet browser or other software used to browse the Site. ⦁ Detailed information on how to change your settings regarding Cookies, including how to restrict or disable their storage, as well as how to delete them yourself, is available in the user manual of the browser or software in question and, in some cases, in the relevant section or tab of such browser or software for help in using the browser or software in question.

§4 [Collection of anonymous technical and operational data].

⦁ The Administrator collects completely anonymous technical and operational data via the server software and the functionalities provided, which are necessary or helpful for the operation of the Site. In particular, the following data may be stored on the server: data concerning requests and responses exchanged between the Site server and the Device, information on errors occurring during such device communication, URL of a page previously visited by the User, information on the IP address of the Device with which the Site server exchanges data. ⦁ The data referred to in paragraph 1 do not contain any information that may identify the User and are not linked to a specific person of the User.

§5 [Forms]

⦁ The Administrator provides a functionality on the Website in the form of a Contact Form, which is one of the possible forms of contact between the User and the Administrator. ⦁ The use of the Contact Form by the User is voluntary. The Administrator collects information, including personal data voluntarily provided by the User in the content of the Contact Form for: ⦁ communicate with the User, including answering questions asked by the User, if the User contacts the Administrator and submits data in order to obtain answers to questions asked about the Administrator's activities, ⦁ conclude, perform and settle a contract or other legal relationship with the User, if the User submits data related to such a contract or legal relationship, including for the purpose of establishing such a contract or legal relationship. ⦁ The data provided by the User via the Contact Form shall not be used for any purpose other than that described in paragraph 2 above. Furthermore, the data shall not be transferred to any third party unless the Administrator obtains the User's prior consent to such transfer. ⦁ The data provided via the Contact Form are stored no longer than until the communication with the User is terminated - in the case referred to in paragraph 2, point 1 above, while in the case referred to in paragraph 2, point 2 above, the data are stored for the time necessary for the performance, settlement and limitation of claims from the contract or legal relationship in question, as well as the performance of tax and accounting obligations.

§6 [Newsletter]

⦁ The Administrator enables the Website to enable the User to subscribe to the Newsletter. ⦁ The Newsletter may contain marketing or informative content concerning the Site, the Administrator, his/her activities and services offered, promotions or contests and other forms of promoting the Administrator's activities. ⦁ The User may subscribe to the Newsletter only on the basis of expressing his/her consent to receive Newsletter correspondence by providing his/her name and surname and User's e-mail address relevant for sending the Newsletter, as well as by checking the checkbox next to the Newsletter consent statement. Giving the consent referred to in the previous sentence is voluntary, but necessary in order to receive Newsletter correspondence. ⦁ The User may at any time revoke his/her consent to receive the Newsletter by clicking on the relevant link contained in each message sent within the Newsletter. ⦁ Data provided by the User for the purpose of subscribing to the Newsletter and expressing consent to receive Newsletter correspondence shall be used by the Administrator solely for the purpose of addressing correspondence to the User within the scope described in item 2 above and shall not be made available to any third parties. The data will be stored only for the duration of the granted consent to send the correspondence referred to in point 3 and only for this duration the Newsletter will be sent to the User.

§7 [Data sharing]

⦁ Data provided by the User to the Administrator via the functionalities available on the Site are subject to access by external entities only within the limits allowed by the law and according to the rules described in each of the functionalities of the Site enabling the data transfer (§2, §5 and §6 of the Privacy Policy). ⦁ The Administrator may make User data collected through the functionalities available on the Site available to authorised law enforcement or public administration authorities on the basis of requests of such authorities pursuant to generally applicable laws.

§8 [Information clause]

In fulfilment of the obligation set out in Article 13 RODO, the Controller informs you that: ⦁ The joint controllers of your personal data are: Woo sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Wrocław (50-357) at ul. Grunwaldzka 67 and Bartosz Jędrasiak conducting business activity under the name "WOO TO GO Jędrasiak Bartosz" with its registered office in Wrocław (50-357) at ul. Grunwaldzka 67, which entities jointly determine the purposes and methods of data processing and carry out joint marketing activities, pursuant to Art. 26 par. 1 RODO; The competent contact for matters concerning the administration of personal data and the protection of such data is Woo sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Wrocław (50-357) at ul. Grunwaldzka 67, e-mail address: biuro@woothai.pl ; ⦁ the main content of the agreements on data co-management is made available upon request to the e-mail address indicated in paragraph 1 above; ⦁ the personal data provided by you (including as a User) will be processed for: ⦁ communicating with you, including answering your questions - which constitutes data processing under Art. 6(1)(b) and Art. 6(1)(f) RODO, ⦁ as well as entering into, performing and settling a contract or other legal relationship with you, if you submit data related to such a contract or legal relationship, including for the purpose of establishing such a contract or legal relationship - which constitutes data processing under Art. 6(1)(b) RODO; ⦁ administration of the database and clauses covering your consents to receive communications within the Newsletter, including for the marketing of the Administrator's services and products, within the framework of the legitimate interests pursued by the Joint Administrators - which constitutes data processing on the basis of Art. 6(1)(f) RODO and Art. 6(1)(a) RODO. ⦁ Your personal data will be stored for a period of time: ⦁ not longer than the termination of communication with you - in the case of data referred to in paragraph 3, point 1 above, ⦁ necessary for the execution, settlement and limitation of claims from the respective contract or legal relationship, as well as the fulfilment of tax and accounting obligations - in the case of data referred to in paragraph 3, point 2 above, ⦁ the duration of the granted consent to send correspondence within the Newsletter - in the case of data referred to in paragraph 3, point 3 above. ⦁ The recipients of your personal data may be authorities, institutions and entities authorised to receive such data in accordance with the provisions of generally applicable law. ⦁ The Administrator may entrust the processing of your personal data to entities providing financial, advisory, marketing, legal, accounting and ICT services to the Administrator. ⦁ You have the right to require the Administrator to access, rectify, erase or restrict processing of your personal data, to object to processing, to withdraw your consent at any time. ⦁ You have the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection on issues related to the Administrator's processing of your personal data (Office of the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection 2 Stawki Street, 00-193 Warsaw) ⦁ The provision of any personal data to the Administrator, as well as granting consent to receive the Newsletter, is voluntary. However, without your consent to receive the Newsletter, it will not be possible to receive it, and if you do not provide your personal data, it may not be possible to use some functionalities of the Website, conclude a contract or any other legal relationship with the Administrator or to communicate with the Administrator.

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